Wildwood’s Learning Library
A blog-style resource page to help guide you no matter where you are in your journey.
Breastfeeding 101
In Breastfeeding 101, we share how breastfeeding works and explore its benefits to help make nursing your baby easier.
Giving Birth at Home
Birth is WILD. Get the Wildwood Birth guide to giving birth at home and learn how you can have a safe and well-supported birth experience outside of the hospital.
Pelvic Floor Health in Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum
The Wildwood Birth guide to pelvic floor health in pregnancy.
Birthing Centers Portland, Oregon
Get the lay of the land for birth centers in Portland, Oregon. The Wildwood Birth guide to birthing centers in 2025!
Placenta Encapsulation
The Wildwood Birth guide to placenta encapsulation. Understand placenta encapsulation: why, how, and everything you need to know. Plus local resources for placenta encapsulation in Portland, Oregon.
Wildwood Birth’s guide to HypnoBirthing. You’ll learn how HypnoBirthing works, be oriented to its history, and learn how HypnoBirthing can help support your own unmedicated labor.
How To Check Dilation
The Wildwood Birth guide to checking dilation. Learn all about how providers check cervical dilation.
Purple Line Dilation
The Wildwood Birth guide to how to check dilation using the purple line.